was established in 1954, and is the only global non-governmental
organization concerned solely with the conservation of wetland
ecosystems. IWRB's goal is to promote the conservation of wetlands and
wetland biodiversity, particularly water birds, by stimulating and
coordinating international technical cooperation. IWRB's headquarters
is located at Slim bridge (home of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust) in
the United Kingdom.
IWRB meets goal of promoting the conservation of wetlands
and wetland biodiversity through:
Wetland assessment and monitoring.
Monitoring woterbird populations.
Waterbird action plans.
Supporting international conventions.
Research Groups.
Disseminating information.
The Volga Delta in Russia is a notural heritage of international
importance. It is a listed Ramsar site and has Biosphere Reserver
status (Ramsar is the Nature Conservation Convention Almost all
European countres, countries in South America and Africa have joined
the (Ramsar Convetion) However, in reent years the Volga Delta has come
under grate pressure from agn-industrial developments in the catchment.
The mighty Volga is to the verge of complete catastrophe.
People are pouring into the Volga millions of cubic metres of
sewage from cities and towns, from industrial enterprises and farms. We
have tortured the Volga to death. Out of a myghty river we have made a
"Chernobyl for fish". Water pollution is severe and it's dangerous,
plant and animal species, including the economically important
sturgeeon, are environment goals. Growth of the oil and gas industries
is one of the major concerns of the Volga Delta and urgent
environmental problems in the Volga River IWRB undertook a project development mission to the Delta. The IWRB meeting was held in Astrakhan in October 1989 in the
Delta. Scientists and experts developed a conservation action plan for the Delta.